OOTC’s story…

I love fashion. From shopping to magazines, journalism and photography. I’d  been blogging on my main blog (AJ) for a year when I realised that I wanted a space where I could write specifically about fashion, and the idea for OutOfTheCloset was born.

After three months of planning, OutOfTheCloset went live on 1st January 2017 and I’ve been writing on here since. I use a mix of my own photography and photos from online stores (always giving credit), I write about everything: my own style, my friends styles, celebrity styles, fashion icons, and trends. I have a huge love for fashion and this is my place to share it with the world. Being a transgender boy has given me an interesting insight into both male, female and unisex aspects of the fashion world. I love sharing things I’ve experienced with the world.

In the future I hope to take this blog into more peoples lives, I also want to study either fashion journalism or fashion photography at university in London. Fashion writing/photography is currently only a hobby but one day I hope to make a living from it.

If you/your brand would like to be featured on here please check out my contact page for all the ways you can get in  touch with me. If you know anyone who’s fashion deserves to be featured on here, get in touch.

I really hope you enjoy my tiny corner of the fashion world. Follow to keep up to date with all my posts and check out the contact page for all my social media.

Stay chic,